Kraut Salad

A proof of concept implementation of a cyber threat intelligence and incident management platform made in Germany.

The parsing component of Kraut Salad currently supports the cyber threat intelligence standards by Mitre called STIX and CybOX. For future versions, we plan to extend the parser to also read OpenIOC and other open source intelligence feeds in common formats, such as CSV.

The basis of Kraut Salad is a PostgreSQL database that holds tables for different kinds of threat intelligence objects, such as threat actors, campaigns, and items that can be used in indicators or that are observable at the host or on the network, as Mitre calls them in its CybOX standard.

Next to the storage of cyber threat intelligence information, we plan to integrate an incident management platform which will enable us to associate intelligence information with assets that were affected in an incident and actions that were performed on such information (e.g. network indicators were searched at the enterprise proxies), in order to get a better understanding and overview of an incident.

Quick Start

  • Kraut Salad is based on Python and Python Django

  • Get the Kraut Salad sources from Github:

    git clone
  • Install the requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • On failure of lxml following might help (debian):

    sudo apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
  • Create Database:

    python migrate
  • Load initial data:

    python loaddata initial_data
  • In order to import a STIX document into Kraut Salad issue:

    python load_stix <path_to_stix_xml>
  • Start the RabbitMQ server for celery:

    sudo rabbitmq-server -detached
  • Start Celery in a separate terminal (debugging) from within the kraut_salad home directory:

    celery -A kraut_base worker -l info
  • Finally start the local server and browse to localhost:8000

    python runserver

Current Status

At its current development status Kraut Salad does not offer a fully functional graphical interface yet. We are working on a webinterface to browse, add, and modify imported data, but it is not in a usable status at this time. Checkout the screenshots page to see current experiments with visualization and general look and feel of the webinterface.

However, we integrated the Django REST Framework to have an API to interact with the imported data.
